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Find meaning, purpose and soul through running then lets talk about mindful running and let your Mind Run Free!

Of course i love to race and compete and experience the ways i can push myself to the limits in training but sometimes i don’t just run for that. I run to be mindful, to go with the flow and shut off the constant chatter in my mind! To run in the forests connecting with nature or to feel the sea breeze and mist along the coastal path and that is what i love about trail running and being mindful. So what is mindful running exactly? because well i offer both types of running and services. I run to race, i run to heal, i run to find answers and to tap into the sub-conscious and find the answers to everything and find creative ideas.

Part of the appeal of running is how mindless it is—just one foot in front of the other. But what if you could make it more mindful? It’s easy to talk about that in theory but it’s more difficult to do it in practice. Mindful running at its core, is attention training. Its all about learning to be more present-focused. Every time you notice your mind has wandered, you guide it back to the present moment. 

Over time and training the neural networks that support a present operandi become more robust.

Science is catching up with theory, though, proving that mindful running is not only legit, but also something that any runner can benefit from. combining directed meditation with running or walking reduced symptoms of depression.

Which is partly why i’m getting are getting on board with this in my company. I used to suffer from anxiety and this has helped me greatly trains your mind and we help you train the mind; we find that psychological factors (such as sight and sound) have a significant effect on endurance performance.

Plus also other big brands like, Nike recently partnered with Headspace on a series of audio-guided mindful runs via the Nike+ Run Club app;

We want to make mindful running more available with helping athletes gain an extra edge as well as women letting their mind RUN free and tap into meditative running for wellness  happiness and living with purpose and intention. 

Bringing mindful awareness to our experience can help us move beyond engaging with the world on autopilot as we learn to meet the present moment with openness, joy and curiosity.

Benefits of mindful running-

Breathe easy and quiet your mindGet focused and in the zoneDiscover your own natural running strideRun faster, lighter and further at any ageRecover quicker and stay injury free.

Love Holly xxxx

“Remember if i wanna be free i’ve gotta be me”

P.S. Running in its purest sense is a fully integrated body-mind experience, and in our up and coming  6 Day Iceland Retreat we will explore a range of mindfulness techniques, supported by group inquiry, and learn how to integrate these new skills with our running in the beautiful but unforgiving landscape of  the Icelandic highlands.

Run mindfully to find ease and flow in running and in life. Travel to the land of fire and ice for this weeklong, running and wellness retreat. Enjoy guided trail runs, Mindset & wellness workshops, experience traditional Icelandic meals and absorb the very best mountain scenery, adventure and restorative geothermal hot springs.

You’ll learn

Bringing more joy to our running through cultivating gratitude, awareness and presence Learning good posture and technique to help prevent run-related injuries Learning new mindfulness skills to apply in everyday lifeLearning to work with our mind’s habit

s on the run and in our life with more wisdom and kindnessUnderstanding the difference between “doing” mode and “being” mode while running and in life

Check out this amazing Retreat here at

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