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Creating new paradigms in our running to stay injury free

I love the endorphins rushing through my body when I go for a run it makes my soul complete and yep pretty much it makes me feel good! I find all my solutions to all my problems when I’m out running and find clarity in everything I do, and it helps me create!!

In fact, I can’t not run, its more painful for me not to run than it is to run! Which is what I found out for quite some time when I was injured on and off for around 18 months because I had a bad habit of not looking after myself by stretching and combing resistance training.

I was always tending to the MOT of my body last. As a runner I was pretty lame if I’m being honest at stretching, giving it a rest from time to time to recover and burn baby burn trying to get faster and faster. No stretching no resistance training that much and certainly sparingly going to the physio when it really WAS needed but looking back, I NEEDED TO have that cycle of repair, rest, treatment, and go again training hard effectively and efficiently, working smarter not harder on my body.

It hit me hard then when I discovered that I had a borderline rupture on my calf muscle and was unable to do no running at all, cycling, any type of hardcore exercise that what us sport addicts would call “the HIGH” I got low, dark space for some time and I  really had to go back to basics and learn from my mistakes of not looking after my body.

Because you see it’s a lifelong thing not just a one hit wonder to look after your body, use injury prevention techniques, stretch and make ourselves stronger to the core so we can be more efficient at what we love to do and prevent us from going down that dark place of what we call injury mentally and physically! We have to consciously think about the long-term effect and how it will make us feel incorporating these positive habits and practices into the long-term gains of our sport, health and mental well-being.

There is an enormous difference in what people know at what they do when it comes to creating better habits into their fitness regime which they know they should do but aren’t doing. There are two parts of our mind the conscious mind and the sub conscious mind. The sub conscious mind is the part that controls the doing and this is what we want to change to be super effective athlete!!

As all us fellow sports people at times we do things we do not want to do, get results we do not want and do it anyway. This is because the paradigm in the subconscious mind controls our actions and habitual behaviour. If we make a decision to integrate these new habits & behaviour for 21 days into our daily regime so we can be injury free and prevent the repercussions of that then it’s a win win.

When you understand this, it will become obvious that All elite athletes operate are not successful primarily because of what they know but what they do. Their paradigms (lodged in the sub-conscious mind) have been aligned with the results that they desired. It’s their paradigms that are producing the results.

When you focus on your habitual behaviour on whether you are stretching, using resistance training  and sticking to your training plan and getting regular check-ups with your physio, you will start to understand why you’re doing what you’re doing, everything will start to change in your injury prevention and results!!

Which Is why I am so passionate to announce I’m partnering up with the Markland clinic to teach injury prevention as well as how can we create better positive habits that will enhance our running performance and our longevity of running. Come join us at one of our Mindful Running Retreats where we have Natural Running Form Clinics & use mindful running to be more efficient & recover faster.... we focus on:


Use proper alignment to make gravity do more of the work. This reduces the muscular force involved with running so it feels easier and less strenuous on muscles and joints.


Use natural running techniques to drastically improve efficiency. You'll practice changing stride length, cadence and tempo on various types of terrain.


Put the pieces together to achieve the ultimate running performance & experience. Learn to cultivate the circumstances for flow to occur by being relaxed and mindful.

Love Holly xxx

p.s. If i want to be free i've gotta be running!

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